Thursday, January 19, 2017

Can I Let You Go?

I feel so sad when I see you;
For some reason my heart is pulled towards you,
But I look at you
And feel pushed away.

We joke, we laugh
But inside I cry,
I force down the lump in my throat,
I convince myself to move on.

You've created a facade.
A hard, cold, unbreakable facade.
I can't reach you, yet I keep trying,
And it hurts me every time.

So I wonder, is it time I say Goodbye?
written 2017

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your honest, real work, it's very inspiring and I love reading it. I find it cool that you can write it exactly the way it is, and share it. You say things so relatable, I feel like I could have written those words..
