Sunday, January 12, 2014

Joyful Cleansing

When I clean, I feel it's a never ending chore.
The more I sort and find, I uncover more and more.
Now you might think I live in a pig sty
But I would like to defend myself and deny-
This is my home, filled with good things;
Learning how to do what's right,
How to become better beings.
Learning how to say kind words,
How to elevate our days,
Learning how to smile,
Amidst the piles in the way.
Now this is no excuse, I know!
I better get to cleaning,
I'll see you next week
When I pop up to keep breathing!
I hope I didn't chase you all away,
My 4 year old even swept today.
This home is full of love and care
And that's what I feel when I look around,
Of course, I keep looking,
Because I need a place to sit down!
I folded all the laundry and made sure all the drawers still close
Just don't go snooping inside of them
-You don't want to get too close.
Hey, hey, I kid, you don't need to leave
The funky smell isn't from here
That's from the drug house next door
You don't need to disappear. 
I love to share my home with guests
I enjoy sharing what I own
My home is to bring others warmth
To make them smile when they go back home.
Goodbye now, I'm not done,
Cleaning is an endless task
But I will admit it's precious
Because it's not just that-
It's creating a place of beauty
Out of what we're given.
And that is what life is for
-Treasure every blessing.
written 2014


  1. I love your poem! It's humorous, yet profound at the same time. It's inspiring and uplifting, too

  2. Wow! I like it! So cute! I think I should hang it up!
