Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Nighttime Reflections

The day is over but my mind is running
Trying to find a comfortable place
So much has happened
That needs my attention
I need to slow down my pace.
What have I done today
To change my little world
What will be tomorrow
When it's time to try again
What can I say for myself
To show I really care.
Thank You G-d
For getting me through
written 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Play A New Song Today

I've got my mantra plastered to my forehead
Playing in my imaginary headphones
It's like bumping into the wall
Oops! You quickly turn away.
Well! -That's clearly the wrong direction!
So I stumble back and look around
Where to next?
Why am I here?
I busy myself, trying to figure that out
How I've missed it all this time
I don't even know who I am
What makes me happy
What I feel.
Food's numbed me
Helping me hide behind my hurt.
Now I'm lost
All I want is to find my way back
To where I belong
And then I can play a different song
written 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

So You Know I'm Thinking of You

So angry 
It's so unfair
Life hurts too much.

So lonely
It's so heavy
My broken heart.

So sad
It's pathetic
Grieving the living

So long
It's been so long
Since you smiled.

So badly
It's all I wish
To make it better

So what
It's not in my hands
Pray is all I can do.

So sorry
It's not over
But I'll stay by you

So strong
It's always been you
Giving, never taking.

So, here
It's your turn
A hug

So remember
It's okay
Crying helps

And I love you
So much.
written 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I Keep Smiling to Myself!

I keep smiling to myself
As I think back
To that conversation we had.
I finally got to share
What was weighing down my heart
And you listened, really listened.
I'm so grateful that I've learned
To explain what I feel
And so thankful that you care
Enough to change.
I keep smiling to myself 
As I hum a jolly tune
I feel so rich, so full, so happy
Can't wait to share that with you too!
written 2012

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Just Want You to Know

I tried to be good
But I seem to have failed
Every time I tried
I was blackmailed

I tried to be good
But every time I tried
I felt so shamed
I could have cried

I don’t know if you knew
How you’ve put me in pain
But your angry, harsh words
Drove me insane

I needed to be loved
To know that you care
That I’m worth something to you-
But life’s so unfair

See- Now it’s too late
I don’t care now, to try
But somehow I still do
-For me.
written 2003