Monday, February 08, 2016

You're Calling

You call. I hear the ringing in my ears.
I feel you pulling at my heart.
But I can't take your calls.

Your voice tricks me into obedience,
Belittling me, until I forget my stance;
What I believe, what I need, who I am.

You dismiss my words, disregard my time;
Leaving me to constantly pick up the pieces.
So I'm done. With you.

You don't want to hear the truth.
I won't waste my breath telling you.
Let my silence answer your questions.
written 2016


  1. omg! I love love love this.

    This needs to be enlarged on a HUGE poster and go somewhere in prominent place.
    It's priceless. So well said and way succinct. Amazing

  2. I know I’m not this person you write about but I’m feeling the person you are in the scenario.

    I know the feeling of pressure from other people that made me feel like I am the one who is wrong and they are right and that’s all. I know the feeling of needing to recalibrate, refocus, recenter myself. And yes I also know the feeling of needing to withdraw in order to preserve my sanity and wellness.

    Now I know more as well. I am learning how to love in these circumstances – and even to love the very people who push me into the wall and sometimes even over the cliff. It is very liberating.

    Devorah, may you be blessed with integrity and presence blended with love and liberty in all your relationships.

  3. Yoish :(
    Your writing is so beautiful!

  4. Oy ouch. But good for you!!
