Monday, January 13, 2014

Bedtime is for Children?

What annoys me more than bedtime taking an hour
Is when it takes the hour after to bounce the kid back to bed,
To finally succeed in making her succumb to sleep-
Her ultimate failure, no doubt.
Her boo-boos and band-aids,
Her thirst and spilled water,
Too cold and too hot and too dark and...
By the time we're through
I've fallen asleep first, on the couch.
I don't know if this rambling makes much sense
Because I'm peering at the screen, backspacing every other letter
-Trying to remember what it is that I thought to write about anyway.
Oh dear, the door is slowly opening and little feet are peeking. 
I better go
And pretend to be asleep!
written 2014


  1. Gosh that sounds so familiar! Very well written. I always love your poems.
