Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Once Upon A Time

I wonder what time can do
To my memories of you

Can it pull you out from my heart
Make me really forget?

I wouldn't even miss you
If I'd forget who you are

I wouldn't even know you
My heart from yours, so far

I wouldn't think to thank you
As I use your advice you gave

I wouldn't even know it's yours
If time can take memories away

So I write as I do wonder
As I fear it may indeed

I'll write what I remember
So time cannot succeed
written 2011


  1. I like this. I think it can also be used in a way of actually wanting to forget a person. If all you were left with was the good times and advice they gave but not the memories, sometimes it might be easier.

  2. Your style has become more and more sophisticated as you develop and mature and grow. your poetry continues to impress me in ways that go straight to the marrow. and to think that i was one of the privileged who you shared your work with. so so proud of my beloved student! love, orna

  3. MAZAL TOV, DEVORAH for getting another piece published in AMI!

  4. your poetry continues to impress me in ways that go straight to my heart. so sophisticated!

  5. Your writing is beyond amazing. Congrats on getting published!
