Thursday, April 21, 2022

Sweet Dreams

 I'm so tired, 

My head's starting to spin.

I want to drift off but my mind won't let.

I'm restless, having already returned from a bathroom trip.

I'm propped up with my pillows,

Convincing myself to put down my phone,

But the pull is magnetic,

And I don't know how to exist on my own. 

My mind is full of worries,

From the to do list in my brain.

And even with all I checked off today,

It won't let me rest or be sane.

Rambling and repeating,

Wondering and over-checking,

I want to sleep, but only get some,

When I'm overexerted from the obsessing.

Deep breaths, deep pain, resurfacing,

The loneliness seeps through.

Damn it! Here it comes,

The tears from facing my truth.

I don't want to cry, to know,

How sad I feel tonight.

I just want sleep, get some reprieve,

I want to be alright.

Deep breaths, deep breaths,

Deep sighs, and wiped tears.

I already faced my ugly truths,

Now there's no need for nightmares.

I can sleep content, knowing 

I showed up for myself tonight.

I did my best, and that's enough

Enough to say "good night".


Written 2021

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