Thursday, April 21, 2022

A Time to Mourn

Sitting with the photo album,

I'm trying desperately to remember.

I want to hold on to each moment,

Keep it alive in my beating heart.

I smile at your boyish grin,

Recalling what a handful you were,

But also the epitome of authenticity

With whatever it was you thought or felt.

I felt the love in you,

Even when you were unsure how to let it out;

Us both understanding there wasn't always space

To unashamedly feel.

I feel you.

These childish memories

Are how I know you.

Our grown up years

Were filled with miles in between us.

I can't even say I know 

Your favorite ice cream flavor.

It feels contradictory;

Not knowing how you spent your days,

Yet knowing you in my heart.

You're my hero-

You fought like a warrior.

The pain you held onto

Fills the universe.

The sadness in your eyes

Fills mine too.

I am honored to be your big sister.

I wish I could have seen your face more often, but-

I've always had your heart 

And you have mine too,



Written 2021

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