Wednesday, June 01, 2011

If I Would Let Myself Tell You

If I would let myself tell you
Where I've come and gone
If I would let myself tell you
How far I have run
If I would let myself tell you
Where I now stand
Then maybe you could help me
And tell me you understand

If I would let myself tell you
About my hidden, darkened fears
If I would let myself tell you
Of my struggles through the years
If I would let myself tell you
My joy of breaking through
Then maybe you could help me
Continue what I do
If I would let myself tell you
Of the battles in my heart
If I would let myself tell you
What shatters me apart
If I would let myself tell you
How fragile I can be
Then maybe you could help me
Escape and just be free

If I would let myself tell you
Why I struggle with each word
If I  would let myself tell you
How I'm scared of being heard
If I would let myself tell you
That I wish I could let go
Then maybe you could help me
Because then you would know

If I would let myself tell you
Then all this could disappear
If I would let myself tell you
Then you'd see me crystal clear
If I would let myself tell you
Then at least my tears would flow
Just maybe, maybe now
I'll allow you to know
written 2005


  1. Thank you, you spoke from my inner spirit.

  2. Thank you for this! How many of us live with our walls up. My wish is that we all find that person we can open up to, a spouse a friend a rabbi and be ourselves.

  3. thank you Devorah for writing such a beautiful piece. This is really touching and has moved me to tears. I can relate to this every word. Please carry on writing and sharing.
    And yes i have learned you can really tell someone - who you trust and yes - it is likely they will understand.............

  4. deep, beautiful, and true. you inspire. this says to me that i'm not alone, and that it's ok to see the greatness i've achieved even though there's that other side of me i wish weren't there, and that there's hope. thank you

  5. In so few words, you reach so deeply to places I did not even know I had. Thank you!

  6. This poem is so beautiful, Devorah. Yasher koach. I immediately forwarded it to several friends.

  7. wow! this is really good

  8. wow! i really like this one! it really talks to me. you go so deep- but true. i connect to the struggle with each word- it always happens to me, i stutter over my words when i talk about myself because i'm so afraid to talk.

  9. Love this, so many time i feel this way, but cant find the word to explain to others...

  10. this poem is so me, love it;;

  11. this is so true i love it

  12. This poem tells everything I feel inside my heart. It is more than beautiful.

  13. Your are so blessed, i can really express my feelings throughout this poem

  14. Thank you. This captures so much of what I feel and have felt over the years. It is wonderful to see those feelings so beautifully expressed in print.

  15. i love u for this
    no other poem could express me more:)

  16. wow! i just wrote something so similar to this! esp about the eyes- how ur scared to look into the mirror and see the pain..

  17. thought provoking
    and very profound
    How wonderful.
    Be blessed.
