Monday, June 27, 2011


Late at night
Approaching wee hours
The lamplighter headed out
His torch in hand
Oil jug in the other
He hurried to the first
Second and third
But right before reaching
The fourth burnt out lamp
He tripped and fell
The flame blew out
His knees scraped
He sat there a minute
Then hurried back to the third
Relit his torch
To light the forth lamp
Farther he walked
Now a bit slower
Yet much more determined
But right before reaching 
The sixth burnt out lamp
He lost his balance and fell
The oil jug cracked
Liquid seeped out
He sat there a minute
Then wrapped up the cracks
And relit the sixth lamp
He continued to walk
Even though he was tired
But right before reaching
The tenth burnt out lamp
He missed a stair and fell
His torch blew out
The jug cracked into pieces
He sat there a while
Gathered the pieces
Brushed himself off
And headed home-
To fill a new jug 
Relight a new torch
And light the very last
Burnt out lamp
written 2004


  1. that is so very, very beautiful and powerful.
    it gives such an inspiring lift to the expression three steps forward two steps back- it always seems so discouraging, but this is so impactfully positive
