Thursday, June 30, 2011

Out of Reach

I want to write
But there's nothing to say
I want to talk
But my voice is stuck
I want a hug
But I cannot reach you
I want to tell you
But I can only cry
written June 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Precious Clarity

Troubled mind
Troubled heart
Falling apart
Feelings sinking
Drowning deep
My insides weep
But Someone calls out
Takes hold my hand
Collects all my tears
Helps me to stand
No longer alone
My precious clarity
I can always look up to G-d
And He will smile
Back at me
written 2003

Forget Me Not

The wind has blown
Scattered pieces
On their own
Spreading us apart
Yet time does tell
What lies within
Drifting farther
Yet one heart
written 2005

Monday, June 27, 2011


Late at night
Approaching wee hours
The lamplighter headed out
His torch in hand
Oil jug in the other
He hurried to the first
Second and third
But right before reaching
The fourth burnt out lamp
He tripped and fell
The flame blew out
His knees scraped
He sat there a minute
Then hurried back to the third
Relit his torch
To light the forth lamp
Farther he walked
Now a bit slower
Yet much more determined
But right before reaching 
The sixth burnt out lamp
He lost his balance and fell
The oil jug cracked
Liquid seeped out
He sat there a minute
Then wrapped up the cracks
And relit the sixth lamp
He continued to walk
Even though he was tired
But right before reaching
The tenth burnt out lamp
He missed a stair and fell
His torch blew out
The jug cracked into pieces
He sat there a while
Gathered the pieces
Brushed himself off
And headed home-
To fill a new jug 
Relight a new torch
And light the very last
Burnt out lamp
written 2004

Happiness is the Best Medicine

Each morning bright and early
Just after you've made your bed
Gulp down this smiling pill
To lighten up your head

Two capsules over 12 years
Or children's grape flavored drink
Included is joke side effects
Which work in just a wink

Share it with your pet cat
Even a grouchy neighbor
Everyone will be shining smiles
Only moments later

This pill does not expire
No need to refrigerate
As long as you commit to be happy
Happy will be your fate
written 2003

The Victim

I am a victim of pain
In the darkness of night
With shame, I shy away
Speechless and blind
I turn back
I run until I can't

I lie down
Vulnerable once again

Yet as the darkness
Looms towards me
I know I must be strong
I rise with confidence
As false as it may be
And fight the night

This time I won't allow myself
To be a victim of pain
This time I'll be free
written 2004

A Tiny Little Bundle

A tiny little bundle
Without fingers or toes
A tiny little bundle
Whose name no one knows

A tiny little bundle
Full of hopes and dreams
A tiny little bundle
Of promised life it seems

This tiny little bundle
I am not meant to see
As this tiny little bundle
Does not belong to me

A tiny treasured bundle
That I prepared to love
Is a treasure unattainable
As it soars through skies above

A tiny little bundle
Gone so soon after it came
I will never get to know you
Yet I miss you just the same
written 2010

Sunday, June 26, 2011

So It Seems

So close
Yet so far
So kind
Yet so selfish
So thoughtful
Yet so ridiculously thoughtless!
So caring 
Yet so hurting
So happy 
Yet so fake
So it seems
written 2006

Guilty Conscience

Pulling at my heart
I know I must give in
Compelled to make peace
Truth won't let me rest
I push myself
Until I explode
I let go
And sleep
For my soul now sings
I am free
written 2011

My Reflection

My reflection
Smiles back at me
And I wonder
Who are you?

So put together
So calm
So confident
Are you not scared?

So daring
So friendly
Who would believe
We know each other
written 2011


A bottomless pit
In a big black hole
There's never enough

Hours upon hours
Wasted in attempt
To fill this void

Ugly motivation
Overwhelming desperation
It's time to give it up

For it's a foolish world
And I'm not a fool
No more
written 2011

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Grand Production

A grand production
Make up, music
Entertaining drama
But to practice
There's no chance
For this is life
Without any choice
It is mine

I must dress up
Now I can hide 
Behind a beard
Cover up my tears
Big clown shoes
For my woes
And no one
Will ever know

I must sing 
With all my might
A tune I was never taught
I must dance the steps I'm told
Even though
No one 
Showed me how

A grand production
Of moments in life's play
For when the curtains open
And I appear on stage
This is my chance
To perform my very best
For me
written June 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

Say What?

You need to mean what you say
Because everything you say 
Means something
So if you say "nothing!"
Then you are saying something
Because nothing is something

So make sure to say what you mean
And mean what you say-
That way you won't say nothing for nothing
Or something for something else!

It's good to say something
As long as it's not for nothing
Perhaps then someone
Who knows nothing
Can learn something
written 2003

Life's a Song

Some days go slow
Some days so fast
But it passes
Just the same

Life is a song
Through rain and shine
I'll sing my song
Through pain and joy
The song remains

Life is a song
The journey through time
Sing high, sing low-
Life bumps up and down

You get to choose
Which song you'll sing
For life's a song
That's sung in your heart
written 2006

Dawn is Almost Here

The hour's late
Yet the clock keeps ticking
Dawn is almost here

Then once again
The hours will pass
Faster than you'll let them

Once again
You'll find yourself
Reflecting on the day that passed

The hour's late
And still 
The clock keeps ticking

Dawn is almost here
written 2006

Frozen In Place

I need to scream
Yet you would stare
I need to cry
Yet you are watching
I just wish to sleep
Yet you would wonder...

I want to run away
Yet you would not run after me
I want to be alone
Yet I need to share my pain
I want to walk my own path
Yet I wish you'd walk with me

I wonder if you'll ever know-

Even though I want to hide
I want you to follow me
I want to know you care
I want to know you love me
Not just for what I say
Not just for what I do

But simply because
You love me
written 2004

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Sleep evades me
Nightmares await me
I'm scared to sleep

Worries sadden me
Doubts confuse me
I start to weep

Tears drown me
Coldness around me
I'm sinking deep

Hopelessness haunts me
Depression grabs me
I squeeze closed my eyes

Pressure envelopes me
Tension suffocates me
And yet, I'm surprised

While cruelty chases me
And strength's sucked out of me 
Somehow I know

I will not die
written 2004

Friday, June 17, 2011

Nothing Really

What am I upset about

Nothing really
Just everything that is
And everything that isn't

Nothing really
Just the frustrating thoughts
That hog up my head space

Nothing really
Just the knowledge that I can help myself
But it's too much of a bother

Nothing really
Just, just
Nothing- it's really nothing

I just need to allow myself
To forgive myself
So I can admit to myself

That it's really not nothing really
Just a heavy dose
Of neglected emotions

That resurface
Every time I pretend
It's nothing really
written June 2011

Time to Face Myself

Ever feel pulled in two?
It's really challenging
To face yourself
When you'd really rather
Run the other way
But the other way
Is a dead end
It's just tempting
So maybe
I'll peek into myself
And just ignore what I see
But that's plain silly

So what should I do?!
It's no fun
Whichever way I turn
I guess, though
I ought to clean up my mess
Before others trip over it
I guess I ought to
Stop letting myself be pulled down
And start pushing myself
To get with it
And face myself
Once and for all
written June 2011

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

How Do You Do

Me and you
How do you do
I can talk for hours
So glad you asked!

But hey-
How are you
I haven't a clue
What's up

I never knew
You had what to say too
For I never thought
Outside myself

Now I realize
I should listen
When you answer
My how do you do

I will wait my turn
Turning myself
written June 2011

Thursday, June 02, 2011


It sounds so far away
The daily news
Of daily horror
I thank G-d
My life continues
It's regular routine
Yet something in me
Cries in pain
There is a deep connection
To something
Which is weeping and hurt
A dreadful feeling
Fills my insides
It is a reminder of something
But what?
There is a connection
So profound
That ties me together
To others, our brothers
Around the globe
That connection is mine
As it is theirs
We cry for salvation
I do not know their names
But my soul knows theirs
That is our connection
written 2005

Good Morning G-d!

Together we spend our day
Sharing food, sharing clothes
Thoughts and feelings we both know

But tonight we each part
Our separate way-
"Good night," he says
"Good night G-d," I say

Morning comes bright and clear
Together running here and there
While he tries to sadden, weaken, despair

This morning too we will part
Sharing one body but not one heart
'Good morning," he says
"Good morning G-d," I say
written 2002


Over flooded
Mops and buckets
Cannot help

But simple distraction
A positive action
Soaks up the flood
Of negative tears

It's a constant struggle
Like pouring rain
That does not stop

But distractions can come
I can find them
If only I choose
To not get wet
written May 2011

Moments in Time

Right this second
I struggle
And right this second
I choose
To tell myself
As many times
As I need
That G-d understands me
He knows I'm in pain
G-d loves me 
G-d cares about me
My pains and my joys
I am not alone-
With this positive thought
I push myself
To get up
And do 
Just one positive action
This will help me
Win the next second's struggle
written May 2011


Answers lie within your heart
Yet sometimes
Too deep inside to reach
But strength will come
From the desperation of your situation
You will know just what is right

But sometimes answers do not exist
Not in you or any being
Only G-d controls those things
Those which G-d Himself
Wishes to attend to

So when you are left all alone
Without any answers
Know that Someone better
Is holding your heart
written 2006

Hurting Hurts

You hate me
You haunt me
You hurt me
But why?

You don't know me
You don't care to
You just judge me
For what I do

But you seem worse off
Because you're full of pain
As you taunt and mimic
You lose your own game

I know the truth
Why you hurt me so
You're hurting so bad
You cover up, but it shows

You barely manage
To live in your skin
Just be a little honest
And accept what's within

You'll learn to laugh
To love and to give
You'll stop hurting so bad
And only then
Can you learn how to live
written 2003


I never saw you
Yet I feel like I've known you forever

I never heard your voice
Yet I feel like it's ringing clearly in my mind

I never spent time with you
Yet I heard about the special things you'd do

I never shared my joys and pains with you
Yet I know when I sing or cry, you do too

I never understood who you are
Until I lost someone I loved

Now I know that as much as I can't see you
You can see me

Now I know that I love you
Just as you love me
written 2004