You've awakened something
Buried deep within my heart;
Under a frozen pillar of tears.
Your soft eyes, your comforting smile
Your warmth of friendship and care
Lit my soul to melt my prison of tears.
It pulls, twisting
Desperate to feel that place
A haven to embrace-
my pain,
my sorrows
My heart,
My love,
My strength.
My childish dreams,
my wishful hopes
Allowing them all free, with tears.
It's meant to be this way;
To open my heart
Spilling tiny seeds wherever I go
With the warmth you imbue,
Seeds, watered with tears
Grow and blossom
A garden so magnificent
Only from tears
-set free.
written 2013
i literally felt this poem. it went through me. tears are like that. keep writing. i have writer's block.