Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lost In Space

I'm slowing down, forgetting
Why I've come down this path
I've forgotten where I'm going
What is it that I need
I'm distracted by all these colors
That my eyes seem forced to see
I'm confused by my dreaming
Of what I think I want
I'm so torn by my fantasy
How can I not play along
But I manage to stop completely
I attempt to clear my mind
I start to wonder what happened
I've been possessed from inside
Now where should I go
How can I get back my lost time
I'm struck with my guilt
Reality does not rewind
written 2011

Once Upon A Time

I wonder what time can do
To my memories of you

Can it pull you out from my heart
Make me really forget?

I wouldn't even miss you
If I'd forget who you are

I wouldn't even know you
My heart from yours, so far

I wouldn't think to thank you
As I use your advice you gave

I wouldn't even know it's yours
If time can take memories away

So I write as I do wonder
As I fear it may indeed

I'll write what I remember
So time cannot succeed
written 2011

Sunday, December 04, 2011

A Fragile Gift

With bows and ribbon
I'll make for you
A special gift of love
Filled with hugs and kisses
And warmth
I'll wait for you to open it
To smile, to feel some joy
To remember that I haven't forgotten
I'll wait for you to wrap some up
And send your love to me
I'll treasure it
Filling up my heart
I'll wait for it to comfort me
To help me smile, feel some joy
And to remember 
You haven't forgotten either
written 2011